Act now to prevent gun violence in Oregon

If you or a loved one are in crisis, call the Suicide Hotline at 988.

Woman sitting under tree with head in hands

Suicide and Guns

Suicide attempts using a gun are over 90% lethal, so removing access to a gun greatly diminishes the risk of suicide. Find out how you can protect yourself and your family.

Help Prevent Suicide

Extreme Risk Protection Order

Domestic abuse. Suicide. Mass shootings. ERPO is a tool to stop violence. Learn how ERPO can protect you and your family.

Learn About ERPO

Call your legislators

You are ready to take action to stop gun violence. Here's how to contact your federal legislators and make your voice heard.

Oregon's Senators are:

Oregon's Representatives are:

When you call, identify yourself as a constituent. If you are speaking with a staff member, be polite and ask the person's name. Chances are, you'll be speaking with that person again. Give a clear and simple message like "Please vote NO on Bill XYZ." Ask if you can be called back about the issue. If you are uncomfortable talking to a staff member, call after hours and leave a message. It still counts!

Myths About Guns and Gun Laws

It is easy to get caught up in the rhetoric and vitriol surrounding the issue of guns in America. If you are unsure about how to lend your voice to the cause of gun violence prevention, take a look at our carefully-researched, factual guide to talking about guns.

Fact vs. Myth

Safe storage saves lives

The one common denominator in every firearm injury or death is access to a loaded firearm. The most important action parents, caregivers and gun owners can do to protect children is reduce their access to firearms and safely store all guns.

Safe Storage
Woman in front of laptop

Stay informed by signing up for our newsletter

Joining the Ceasefire Oregon mailing list is an easy way to keep up with the gun violence prevention movement in our state.

Stay Informed! Sign Up!
Gun shop with guns displayed on the wall

What is the Oregon Firearm Safety Act?

The Oregon Firearm Safety Act (OFSA), passed in 2015, closes the private sale loophole and helps stop criminals from buying guns. Our OFSA guide will answer all your questions.

OFSA Guide