HB 2968 : Repeals Oregon’s Firearm Storage Act
Position: Oppose Status: House Judiciary Committee
Repeals sections of 2021 bill SB 554B. People can carry loaded, hidden guns into public buildings, including the Oregon State Capitol, the Portland airport terminal, and public schools. The bills repeals the law prohibiting direct access to a firearm in a vehicle.
1-9 (H) First reading. Referred to Speaker's desk
1-16 (H) Referred to Judiciary
Hearings have not been scheduled for this bill, therefore, the bill is unlikely to move forward in the 2023 legislative session.
Repeals prohibition on carrying concealed firearm on person or possessing concealed, readily accessible handgun within vehicle. Authorizes entity that controls public building to adopt policy prohibiting possession of firearms within building by persons other than those exempted from prohibition under current law. Maintains exemptions from prohibitions and defenses to offenses for concealed handgun licensees under current law.