
HB 3149 Oregon

Firearm Dealers May Set Policy to Not Sell Firearms to People Under 21

Gun dealers at gun shows or gun shows are permitted to establish a minimum age of at least 21 years of age for firearm sales or transfers.

Position: Support

Status: July 1, 2019: End of session, bill was not passed

SB 817 Oregon

Child Access Prevention

This Child Access Prevention (CAP) bill holds gun owners responsible when a minor (under age 17) accesses an unsecured gun when the gun owner knows or reasonably should know that a minor could access the firearm. The bill includes a requirement for public education.

Position: Support

Status: July 1, 2019: End of session, bill was not passed

HB 2950 Oregon

Allows subtraction from federal taxable income for purchase of qualifying gun safe

Allows subtraction from federal taxable income for purchase of qualifying gun safe.

Position: Support

Status: July 1, 2019: End of session, bill was not passed

HB 2929 Oregon

Ban Bump Stocks

Creates offense of unlawful use of a bump-fire stock and offense of unlawful transfer of bump fire stock.

Position: Support

Status: July 1, 2019: End of session, bill was not passed

HB 2625 Oregon

Study Regarding Missing Native American Women in Oregon

Directs Department of State Police to study how to increase criminal justice resources relating to missing Native American women in Oregon and report to appropriate committee or interim committee of Legislative Assembly no later than September 15, 2020.

Position: Support

Status: Enacted into law and effective May 24, 2019

HB 2705 Oregon

Voluntary “Do Not Sell List” for Firearms

Directs Department of State Police to establish voluntary firearm Do Not Sell List using secure Internet website.

Position: Support

Status: July 1, 2019: End of session, bill was not passed

HB 2648 Oregon

Community College Boards Can Establish Campus Police Department, Commission Police

Permits board of community college to determine whether to establish campus police department and commission police officers.

Position: Neutral

Status: July 1, 2019: End of session, bill was not passed

HB 2291 Oregon

Tax Credit for Gun Safes

Establishes tax credit against personal income taxes for purchase of qualifying gun safes or locking mechanisms.

Position: Support

Status: July 1, 2019: End of session, bill was not passed

HB 2479 Oregon

Increase Fees For Concealed Handgun Licenses

Increases fees payable to county sheriff for issuance, renewal or duplication of concealed handgun license.

Position: Support

Status: July 1, 2019: End of session, bill was not passed

HB 2546 Oregon

Tax Breaks for Firearm Background Checks

Creates a tax credit for the cost of background checks for firearm sales and allows the travel mileage associated with the background check to be tax deductible.

Position: Neutral

Status: Failed to pass out of House Judiciary Committee