
SB 775 Oregon

No gun background checks for concealed handgun license holders.

Exempts concealed handgun licensees from private firearm transfer criminal background check requirement.

Position: Oppose

Status: Senate Committee On Judiciary

SB 667 Oregon

No background check for sale, transfer of antique firearm

Defines term "antique firearm." Provides that unlicensed person transferring antique firearm to another unlicensed person is not required to request criminal background check.

Position: Neutral

Status: Senate Committee on Judiciary

HB 2808 Oregon

State police to study reasons for concealed handgun license denials

Directs Department of State Police to study reasons for certain denials of concealed handgun license applications and report results to interim committees of Legislative Assembly related to judiciary on or before February 1, 2019.
Sunsets January 2, 2020.

Position: Support

Status: House Committee On Judiciary

HR 358 National

Interstate Transportation of Firearms or Ammunition

Relaxes laws regarding transportation of firearms. Changes burden of proof to prosecution.

Position: Oppose

Status: Died in a previous Congress

S 72 National

Counterterror Alert Act

A bill to require that certain information relating to terrorism investigations be included in the NICS database, and for other purposes.

Position: Support

Status: Died in a previous Congress

HR 57 National

Accidental Firearms Transfers Reporting Act

This bill requires the FBI to submit a report to Congress about the outcome of completed gun sales made possible by the Charleston Loophole.

Position: Support

Status: Died in a previous Congress

HR 62 National

Gun Violence Reduction Resources Act

To provide for the hiring of 200 additional Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives agents and investigators to enforce gun laws.

Position: Support

Status: Died in a previous Congress

HR 509 National

Abolish the ATF

To abolish the ATF and transfer its functions to the FBI and Drug Enforcement Administration.

Position: Oppose

Status: Died in a previous Congress

HR 38 National

Federally Mandated Concealed Carry

The House, including Congressmen Schrader and Walden, voted December 6, 2017 to pass HR 38, Concealed Carry. This bill will endanger law enforcement, private citizens, and allow people who have been convicted of violent misdemeanors carry hidden, concealed guns in all states.

Bills have been introduced in both the House and Senate (H.R. 38; S.B. 446) that would mandate “concealed carry reciprocity.” This means that each state would be required to honor a concealed carry permit issued by another state.

Currently, each state has its own rules about which carry permits, if any, from other states it will honor. But under concealed carry reciprocity, for example, Maryland – a state with broad discretion in granting permits – would be required to honor a permit granted by the state of Utah – a state which grants permits without discretion, even to out of state residents.

Maryland would then have to allow the Utah permit holder to carry a concealed firearm everywhere within Maryland that a local permit holder may carry.

In addition, 12 states are permitless carry states. That means untrained residents from those states who may legally possess firearms in their state could legally carry concealed firearms – without obtaining a permit – even in the other 38 states that normally require permits.

Oregon law does not require a concealed carry applicant to even touch a gun before obtaining a permit to carry a loaded, hidden gun. While some counties require hands-on training, Oregon law does not.

Over 200,000 Oregonians currently hold concealed handgun licenses and are permitted to carry loaded, hidden guns into sensitive places including public schools, graded K through 12.

Reciprocity is similar to allowing people who have never even been in a car to have drivers licenses and forcing other states to honor those licenses. Oregon state law does not require an applicant for a concealed handgun license (CHL) to even touch a gun to obtain a CHL. (Some Oregon counties do require CHL applicants to shoot a firearm before granting a CHL but Oregon state law does not.)

HR 38 does not require high standards for carrying concealed guns. We are all at higher risk of gunshot injury when untrained people carry guns.

Position: Oppose

Status: Died in a previous Congress

SB 549 Oregon

Expanding CHL privileges to retired parole and probation officers.

-This bill would confer concealed handgun license privileges to parole and probation officers.
-Currently, honorably retired police officers are conferred CHL privileges.
-Parole and probation officers must apply for a CHL just as other citizens do.

Position: Oppose

Status: Senate Committee on Judiciary