HB 2291 Oregon
Tax Credit for Gun Safes
Establishes tax credit against personal income taxes for purchase of qualifying gun safes or locking mechanisms.
Position: Support
Status: July 1, 2019: End of session, bill was not passed
Establishes tax credit against personal income taxes for purchase of qualifying gun safes or locking mechanisms.
Position: Support
Status: July 1, 2019: End of session, bill was not passed
Increases fees payable to county sheriff for issuance, renewal or duplication of concealed handgun license.
Position: Support
Status: July 1, 2019: End of session, bill was not passed
Requires owner or possessor of firearm to secure firearm with trigger or cable lock or in locked container except in specified circumstances.
Position: Support
Status: July 1, 2019: End of session, bill was not passed
Prohibits transfer of handgun or assault rifle (defined) to someone under 21 years of age.
Expands Charleston Loophole from 3 days to 30 days before firearm may be transferred without a background check.
Person subject to a protective order (like an ERPO) who fails to attend hearing will be prohibited from possessing firearms.
Requires courts to order firearms to be relinquished for people convicted of certain domestic violence offenses.
Requires hospitals to provide data about patients with firearm injuries to the Oregon Health Authority.
Child Access Prevention Law: Creates crime of endangering a minor by allowing access to a firearm.
Position: Support
Status: Failed to pass out of House Judiciary Committee
The Oregon Democrats have not supported this bill and it was left to die in committee. This omnibus bill was submitted by Oregon's Students for Change, a group of high-school and college students who understand the changes we must make to reduce gun violence. SB 501 was one of the most exciting and effective gun violence prevention bills Ceasefire Oregon has seen.
Position: Support
Status: July 1, 2019: End of session, bill was not passed
Requires law enforcement agency that takes custody of firearms under firearms surrender protocol to establish procedures to notify certain individuals of law enforcement agency’s anticipated return of firearm.
Position: Support
Status: July 1, 2019: End of session, bill was not passed
Requires owner or possessor of firearm to secure firearm with trigger or cable lock or in locked container except in specified circumstances.
Position: Support
Status: July 1, 2019: End of session, bill was not passed
Allows gun dealer or person transferring firearm, ammunition or firearm component at gun show to establish minimum age for purchase of firearms, ammunition or firearm components, provided that minimum age is at least 21 years.
Position: Support
Status: July 1, 2019: End of session, bill was not passed
Makes shooting range and person discharging firearm at shooting range strictly liable for injuries resulting from bullets that stray outside boundaries of shooting range.
Allows injured person to bring civil action against city or county that fails to regulate shooting range after having notice of dangerous condition. Removes prohibition on local government regulation relating to shooting ranges.
Position: Support
Status: July 1, 2019: End of session, bill was not passed
To amend chapter 44 of title 18, United States Code, to prohibit the publication of 3D printer plans for the printing of firearms, and for other purposes.
Position: Support
Status: Inactive