SB 203 Oregon
Relating to Extreme Risk Protection Orders (ERPO)
Relating to Extreme Risk Protection Orders (ERPO).
Position: Support
Status: Senate Judiciary Committee
Relating to Extreme Risk Protection Orders (ERPO).
Position: Support
Status: Senate Judiciary Committee
Requires the Department of State Police to study the efficiency of firearm transfer criminal background checks.
Position: Support
Status: House Judiciary Committee
The Act directs the Department of State Police to study background checks for gun transfers.
Position: Support
Status: House Judiciary Committee
The new SB 243-1 amendment requires a 72 hour waiting period between the time a background check is approved and the transfer of the firearm to the buyer/transferee. The amendment also bans rapid fire activators, raises the age to 21 for possession of firearms with the exception of certain hunting rifles and people who are in the military or law enforcement, and allows certain public buildings to prohibit people with concealed carry handgun licenses from carrying loaded, hidden guns into those buildings.
Position: Support
Status: Senate Judiciary Committee
Arms dealers in Oregon are required to have a federal license to be "in the business" of selling firearms. HB 3076-1 requires federally licensed firearms dealers operating in Oregon to also be licensed by the state of Oregon. Security, accountability, and reporting requirements are required.
Position: Support
Status: Senate Judiciary Committee with subsequent referral to House Ways and Means
Concerning firearm hold agreements to reduce risk of firearm-related death or injury including suicide.
Position: Support
Status: House Judiciary Committee
Provides that the crime of harassment is not a qualifying misdemeanor for purposes of the statute prohibiting the possession of firearms and ammunition based on being the subject of certain court orders or being convicted of certain crimes.
Position: Oppose
Status: Senate Judiciary Committee
Department of State Police no longer performs NICS checks for gun dealer firearm transfers.
Position: Oppose
Status: Referred to Speaker's desk.
This bill repeals Oregon law; allows legislators and people who work in the Oregon Capitol and who have a concealed handgun license to carry loaded, hidden firearms in the Oregon Capitol.
Position: Oppose
Status: House Judiciary Committee
Repeals many important Oregon firearm safety laws.
Position: Oppose
Status: House Judiciary Committee