
SB 696 Oregon

Prohibits Rapid Fire Activators

Creates the crime of unlawful transport, manufacture or transfer of a rapid fire activator. Punishes by a maximum of 10 years' imprisonment, $250,000 fine, or both. Creates the crime of unlawful possession of a rapid fire activator.

Position: Support

Status: Senate Judiciary Committee

SB 429 Oregon

72 Hour Waiting Period

Prohibits a gun dealer from transferring a firearm or unfinished frame or receiver until 72 hours have elapsed from the time the gun dealer requested a criminal background check, and the gun dealer has received the background check approval number from the Department of State Police.

Position: Support

Status: Senate Judiciary Committee

SB 11 Oregon

Bill Targeting Legal Immigrants Who Are Legally Armed

The Act makes police ask if a person is a citizen if the person has a gun and is being arrested for a crime. The Act also makes police notify ICE if the person is not a citizen.

The bill does not make exceptions for Lawful Permanent Residents (LPR or "green card" holders) who are not citizens but legally allowed to purchase and possess firearms in the United States.

Position: Oppose

Status: Senate Judiciary Committee

HB 3513 Oregon

Firearm Hold Agreement

Authorizes federal firearms licensee or other person to enter into firearm hold agreement with firearm owner. Provides immunity from liability for person who takes possession of firearm pursuant to firearm hold agreement except in actions arising from unlawful conduct.

Directs Oregon Health Authority to establish grant program to fund storage of firearms pursuant to firearm hold agreement. Appropriates moneys to authority to fund grants.

Requires that training course for concealed handgun license include use of firearm hold agreements for firearm suicide prevention.
Provides that transfer of firearm pursuant to firearm hold agreement is exempt from private transfer criminal background check requirement.

Position: Support

Status: House Judiciary Committee

HB 2006 Oregon

Limits Possession and Sale/Transfer of Firearms to People Under 21, Exceptions for Some Rifles and Parent/Guardian Transfers

Much of the content of HB 2006 has been added to HB 2005B.

This bill would prohibit sales and transfers of firearms in Oregon to people under the age of 21. Exceptions: People under 21 may possess certain types of rifles and may possess firearms given to them by their parents or guardians.

No action has been taken on this bill since March 22, 2023.

Position: Support

Status: House Judiciary Committee

HB 2373 Oregon

DOJ Study of Unlawful Possession of Firearms

Directs Department of Justice to study ways to address unlawful possession of firearms, and to provide results of study to interim committees of Legislative Assembly no later than December 31, 2024. Sunsets January 2, 2025.

This bill is not likely to move forward because it has not been scheduled for a hearing.

Position: Support

Status: House Judiciary Committee

HB 2005 B Oregon

Ban Ghost Guns

Signed into law on July 13. Congratulations!
Prohibits manufacture or possession of firearms or firearm receivers that lack serial numbers and firearms that lack a metal piece (called a security exemplar) that allows metal detectors to detect firearms.

HB 2005 B continues Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum’s work to prevent hate groups and terrorists from printing guns that are undetectable and untraceable.

Undetectable guns can completely bypass metal detectors at security check points.

The following has been removed from HB 2005 to appease Republicans:

Increases the age of purchase or possession of a firearm to 21 with exceptions of hunting rifles or firearms transferred to the minor as a gift from a parent or guardian.

Allows active duty military and police under 21 to possess firearms regardless of increased risk of suicide.

Gives cities, counties, districts, and municipal corporations control to regulate carry of concealed guns.

Position: Support

Status: Senate Rules Committee

SB 843 Oregon

Prohibits Sharing Permit Revocation Information With Federal Agencies

SB 843 will prohibit Oregon agencies from reporting revoked permits to federal agencies, thus stopping agencies from adding that information to federal databases unless that information is required to be disclosed under federal law.

This bill has not been scheduled for a hearing is not likely to move forward in the 2023 session.

Position: Oppose

Status: Senate Judiciary Committee

SB 348 Oregon

Modified Measure 114 (Was DOJ Study of Unlawful Possession of Firearms)

SB 348 will not move forward in the 2023 session. The bill is not necessary to fund or implement Measure 114 which is already the law in Oregon but is waiting for a court stay to be lifted for implementation.

Position: Support

Status: Joint Committee On Ways and Means Subcommittee On Capital Construction

SB 551 Oregon

Schools Provide Information About Secure Storage of Medications and Firearms

Requires school districts to provide specified information related to secure storage of medications and firearms. Directs Oregon Health Authority to make information available to school districts.

Hearings have not been scheduled for this bill, therefore, the bill is unlikely to move forward in the 2023 legislative session.

Position: Support

Status: Senate Education Committee