
SB 585 Oregon

Repeal firearm pre-emption law, Senate Version

Repeals statute creating state preemption of local firearm regulation and statutes creating exceptions to preemption.

Position: Neutral

Status: House Judiciary and Ballot Measure 110 Implementation

SB 554B Oregon

Schools, Portland airport, public buildings allowed to prohibit loaded, hidden guns; requires guns to be secured

June 1, 2021: SB 554B was signed by Gov. Brown.

May 5, 2021: SB 554B was passed in the Senate and now heads to Gov. Brown's desk for her signature.

The Oregon Senate passed SB 554A but significant changes were made by including HB 2510, the gun storage bill. The bill, now called SB 554B, passed the House on April 29 and will return to the Senate for a third reading (possible vote) on May 5, 2021.

The bill authorizes city, county, metropolitan service district, port operating commercial airport, school district, college or university to adopt ordinance or policy limiting or precluding affirmative defense for possession of firearms in public buildings by concealed handgun licensees. The bill also requires firearms to be kept under close physical control or locked. The bill requires reporting of lost or stolen firearms.

Position: Support

Status: Governor's Brown Desk Awaiting Her Signature

SB 502 Oregon

Exemption from private firearms background check for participants in Address Confidentiality Program

This bill is no longer active.
Exempts transferee who is certified participant in Address Confidentiality Program from private firearm transfer criminal background check requirement.

Position: Oppose

Status: Senate Judiciary and Ballot Measure 110 Implementation

SB 396 Oregon

Ban Undetectable and/or Untraceable Firearms

The public hearing is cancelled and the bill is dead. SB 396 is the second time in three years that Oregon has killed a bill that would ban undetectable and/or untraceable guns.

Three dimensional printing (also called additive manufacturing) allows criminals and terrorists to make firearms that do not have a serial number, thereby rendering a firearm untraceable to law enforcement. The process also allows criminals and terrorists to make firearms without mechanism (called a security exemplar), thereby rendering a firearm undetectable by metal detectors.

Position: Support

Status: Dead in Committee

S 3985 National


Although the bill description is, "To improve and reform policing practices, accountability and transparency," S 3985 lacks the necessary changes to address the policing crisis. (LCCHR)

Position: Oppose

Status: Senate Judiciary Committee

HR 7120 National

George Floyd Justice in Policing Act

Congress must pass meaningful police reform legislation to protect Black and Brown communities from over policing, police brutality, misconduct, and harassment.

Position: Support

Status: Passed the House

Rule Change National

Bernhardt Plan to Increase Hunting on National Wildlife Refuges

Interior Secretary David Bernhardt is continuing the Trump administration’s efforts to expand hunting on more than 2.3 million acres of public recreation land throughout the country by proposing to expand hunting on National Wildlife Refuges.

Position: Oppose

Status: Secretary of Interior

HB 4005 Oregon

Gun Storage, Reporting Lost and Stolen Guns

Ceasefire Oregon is neutral on HB 4005. We are encouraged that the legislature wishes to address the issue of unsecured guns and we recommend additional measures that research shows to be effective at increasing rates of gun storage, reducing gunshot death and injury, and addressing gun trafficking. Scroll to the bottom of this page for related studies.

Please contact your legislator and ask that HB 4005 be amended to include provisions that will make this bill a strong, effective law that will reduce gun violence.

Position: Neutral

Status: House Judiciary Committee

SB 1538 Oregon

Local Governments and School Districts Can Ban Concealed Weapons on Premises

Cities, counties, metropolitan service districts, school districts, colleges, and universities can prohibit concealed handgun license holders from carrying loaded, hidden guns in public buildings, including buildings owned by the state.

Position: Support

Status: Senate Judiciary Committee

HB 4036 Oregon

PDX Can Prohibit Concealed, Loaded Guns in Passenger Terminal

Portland International Airport (PDX) can prohibit people with concealed handgun licenses from carrying loaded, hidden guns into the passenger terminal. Passengers' firearms must be unloaded and in a locked, hard-sided container for the purpose of transporting the gun as checked baggage in accordance with federal law.

This complex bill now has 21 amendments, the most recent (-20 and -21) were submitted February 25.

Position: Support

Status: Joint Committee on Transportation