
SB 322 Oregon

Sheriff Shopping for Concealed Handgun Licenses

Concealed handgun license (CHL) requirements vary among Oregon counties. If a CHL applicant cannot or will not meet the higher standards in one county, the applicant can "shop" for a sheriff with more lax CHL requirements.

Position: Oppose

Status: Failed to pass out of Senate Judiciary Committee

HB 2287 Oregon

Teaching “Gun Safety” in 6th Grade: AKA The Gun Lobby’s Jobs Bill

Authorizes school district to allow firearm safety instruction to eleven-year-old students on school property.

Position: Oppose

Status: Failed to pass out of House Education Committee

IP 8 Oregon

Common Firearms Act AKA Common Mass Shootings Act

The Oregon gun lobby wants to take away YOUR voice to demand laws to reduce gun violence, and they want to take away Oregon legislator's right to do so as well.

IP 8 would put an end to firearm safety legislation in Oregon including bills passed by our Oregon legislators and initiative petitions. In addition, the gun lobby wants to be sure that weapons of war like AR15s and AK 47s are readily available for the mass shootings that are now common place in America.

Position: Oppose

Status: Attempting to collect 149,360 signatures

SB 920 Oregon

Forced Mandated Concealed Carry (Reciprocity)

Provides person with privileges and legal defenses available to person with Oregon concealed handgun license if person is licensed to carry concealed handgun in another state that recognizes Oregon concealed handgun licenses.

Position: Oppose

Status: Died in Senate Committee on Judiciary

HB 3306 Oregon

CHL holders with protection orders are exempt from Department of Administrative Services’ “Weapons in Workplace” Policy

This bill is no longer active.

Prohibits state agency from adopting administrative rule limiting or prohibiting possession of firearm by concealed handgun licensee who is respondent of or protected by active protective order.

Position: Oppose

Status: Senate Committee on Judiciary

HB 3287 Oregon

Repeals Department of Administrative Services’ “Weapons in the Workplace Policy” (Redux)

This bill is no longer active.

Prohibits state agency from adopting administrative rule or enacting or enforcing employment or personnel policy limiting or prohibiting possession of firearm by concealed handgun licensee.

Position: Oppose

Status: House Committee On Judiciary

HB 3281 Oregon

The “So…you think a car is a gun safe?” bill

This bill is no longer active.

The bill has been removed from the agenda for the hearing scheduled for April 17.

Authorizes state agency employee who is licensed to carry concealed handgun to store personal handgun and ammunition in locked container in vehicle while employee is at work and vehicle is parked in state agency parking lot.

Position: Oppose

Status: House Committee On Judiciary

HB 3271 Oregon

Repeals Department of Administrative Services’ “Weapons in the Workplace” Policy

This bill is no longer active.

Repeals established policy prohibiting firearms in state buildings.

Position: Oppose

Status: House Committee On Judiciary

HB 3108 Oregon

Expanded firearm privileges for parole and probation officers, whether they’re wanted or not

This bill is no longer active.

Requires employer of parole and probation officer to authorize officer to carry firearm if officer meets certain requirements.
Exempts parole and probation officer from prohibition on carrying firearm in public building.

Position: Oppose

Status: House Committee On Judiciary

HB 3107 Oregon

Special privileges for elected officials with CHLs to carry in a building housing a court facility

This bill is no longer active.

Authorizes elected official to possess firearm in building housing court facility if elected official performs official duties within building and is licensed to carry concealed handgun.

Position: Oppose

Status: House Committee On Judiciary