
SB 923 Oregon

Permitting concealed carry for certain people without training or licensing

This bill is no longer active.

A person protected by a stalking protective order, a restraining order or any other court order prohibiting another person from contacting the person, may carry a concealed gun if that person has a pending application for a concealed handgun license or has a scheduled appointment to submit an application for a concealed handgun license.

Position: Oppose

Status: Senate Committee on Judiciary

SB 902 Oregon

Altering firearm transfer register requirements

This bill is no longer active.

Authorizes local law enforcement authority to issue written waiver, within authority's jurisdiction, of requirement that person engaged in business of selling, leasing or otherwise transferring firearm provide duplicate sheet of register of transfer of used firearm to local law enforcement authority.

Requires person to retain copy of waiver. Authorizes local law enforcement authority to accept copy of firearms transaction record form in lieu of duplicate sheet of register.

Position: Oppose

Status: Senate Committee on Judiciary

SB 854 Oregon

Expanding exemptions for background checks

This bill is no longer active.

A person is exempt from firearm background checks if the person is a participant in the Address Confidentiality Program, or is protected by a stalking protection order, or a restraining order, or has an Oregon driver license bearing a "Continuous Traveler" residence address.

Chief Sponsors: Senator Olsen, Baertschiger Jr
Regular Sponsors: Senator Knopp, Linthicum, Thatcher

Position: Oppose

Status: Referral to President's desk

HB 2974 Oregon

Unnecessary exemptions from firearm background checks

This bill is no longer active.

Firearm background checks not required for a participant in the Address Confidentiality Program or if person has a driver license bearing a continuous traveler residence.

Position: Oppose

Status: House Committee On Judiciary

SB 855 Oregon

Carrying hidden loaded guns without a license in certain situations

This bill is no longer active.

Allows person without concealed handgun license to carry concealed firearm on person or in vehicle in certain circumstances if person can legally possess firearms under Oregon law.

Position: Oppose

Status: Senate Committee on Judiciary

HB 2973 Oregon

Repeal SB 941 Universal Background Checks

This bill is no longer active.

Repeals SB 941 that requires a person who is not a gun dealer obtain criminal background check prior to transferring firearm to another person who is not a gun dealer.

Position: Oppose

Status: House Committee On Judiciary

SB 804 Oregon

Allows temporary transfer of firearm without a background check for certain activities related to hunting, trapping, target shooting

This bill is no longer active.

Modifies definition of "transfer" for purposes of private firearm transfer criminal background check requirement.

Excludes from definition temporary provision of firearm for purposes of hunting, trapping or target shooting while transferee is preparing to engage in, or in process of completing, activities related to hunting, trapping or target shooting.

Position: Oppose

Status: Senate Committee on Judiciary

SB 655 Oregon

Forced mandated concealed carry

Directs Department of State Police to create and maintain list of states in which requirements to obtain concealed handgun license or permit are substantially similar to requirements in Oregon.

Provides person licensed to carry concealed handgun in another state with protections provided to person with Oregon concealed handgun license if other state has requirements for obtaining license that are substantially similar to Oregon's requirements. Authorizes Superintendent of State Police to enter into agreement with concealed handgun license issuing authority of other state if agreement is necessary for license reciprocity.

Position: Oppose

Status: Senate Committee On Judiciary

SB 668 Oregon

Court shopping for CHL denials, revocations

Changes location in which person may petition circuit court for review of concealed handgun license denial, revocation or non-renewal from county of person’s residence to county in which license was denied or originally issued.

Court shopping is a disservice to the community and undermines the integrity of Oregon's court system.

Position: Oppose

Status: Senate Committee on Judiciary

SB 669 Oregon

No firearm background checks for CHL holders; removes OSP from background check process

SB 669 weakens Oregon's strong firearm background check law. People who have a concealed handgun license (CHL) would not be required to undergo a background check before purchasing a gun. Oregon CHLs are renewed every 4 years which means a prohibited purchaser could buy guns with no questions asked for 4 years. Oregon has more has 200,000 CHL holders.

Removing the Oregon State Police as the point of contact (POC) for firearm background checks endangers Oregonians by removing a layer of checks and data from the background check process.

From the bill:
Exempts certain transferors of firearms from requesting criminal background check if purchaser or recipient has concealed handgun license.
Requires county sheriff to request that Department of State Police perform criminal background check with National Instant Criminal Background Check System. Requires sheriff to obtain certain information from noncitizen applicants before issuing concealed handgun license.

Position: Oppose

Status: Senate Committee on Judiciary