
SB 5 Oregon

Shooting Ranges and Shooters Strictly Liable for Shooting Injuries Outside of Boundaries of Gun Range

Makes shooting range and person discharging firearm at shooting range strictly liable for injuries resulting from bullets that stray outside boundaries of shooting range.
Allows injured person to bring civil action against city or county that fails to regulate shooting range after having notice of dangerous condition. Removes prohibition on local government regulation relating to shooting ranges.

Position: Support

Status: July 1, 2019: End of session, bill was not passed

IP 43 Oregon

The Campaign to Stop the Sale and Transfer of Assault Rifles

The IP 43 campaign, Lift Every Voice Oregon, will refile for the 2020 ballot and will also work to pass a ban on assault rifles and high-capacity magazines in the 2019 legislative session.

Rather than allow Oregonians to determine their own fate, the National Rifle Association has put gun profits over the lives and the will of Oregonians. They know that Oregonians overwhelmingly support a ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines.

Position: Support

Status: We are writing a ballot initiative for 2020

SJM 202 Oregon

Urges Congress to enact legislation to define and regulate rapid fire enhancing accessories

Urges Congress to enact legislation to define and regulate rapid fire enhancing accessories in same manner as fully automatic weapons, and to define and regulate partially completed firearms components and kits and firearms that are assembled from them.

Position: Support

Status: Senate Committee on Judiciary

SJM 201 Oregon

Urging Congress to regulate assault rifles and bump stocks similar to machine guns.

Ceasefire Oregon supports SJM 201 and encourages the Oregon legislators to take action in Oregon to ban assault rifles and high-capacity magazines.

Position: Support

Status: Referred to the Senate Judiciary Committee

HB 4145 Oregon

Gov. Brown’s 2018 Gun Violence Prevention Bill

HB 4145, Governor Kate Brown's Gun Violence Prevention bill passed the House and Senate and was signed into law on March 5.

HB 4145 will prohibit convicted stalkers (not just suspected, but convicted) from purchasing or possessing firearms. In addition, the bill will expand the definition of "intimate partner" in connection to domestic violence and mandate that law enforcement agencies report conviction to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS).

Position: Support

Status: Senate Committee on Judiciary

SB 1065 Oregon

Firearms Safety Package

This bill combines the previous bills, SB 797 and SB 764, into one bill.

Position: Support

Status: Senate Committee on Rules

HB 3460 Oregon

Firearm Safety and Suicide Prevention Information

Directs Oregon Health Authority to establish firearm safety and suicide prevention education program consisting of creation or approval of specified educational materials and provision of materials to gun dealers.

Provides that gun dealers may make educational materials available to firearm purchasers.

Position: Support

Status: House Committee on Health Care

SB 1026 Oregon

Child Access Prevention

Creates crime of endangering a minor by allowing access to a firearm. Requires gun dealer to post notice concerning obligation to prevent minors from accessing firearm without consent of minor’s parent or guardian.

Position: Support

Status: Died in House Committee On Judiciary

SB 719 Oregon

Extreme Risk Protection Order (Was SB 868)

Signed by Governor Kate Brown at a special ceremony on September 18, 2017. The bill creates a process for obtaining extreme risk protection order that temporarily prohibits a person from possessing firearms when court finds that person presents imminent risk, or risk in foreseeable future, of suicide or causing injury to other persons.
Two other states, Illinois and Colorado

Position: Support

Status: Law is in effect

SB 862 Oregon

Law enforcement must notify respondent when firearms are returned to petitioner

This bill is no longer active.

Requires law enforcement agency that takes custody of firearms under firearms surrender protocol to establish procedures to notify certain individuals of law enforcement agency's anticipated return of firearm.

Chief Sponsors: Senator Gelser, Monnes Anderson
Regular Sponsors: Senator Manning Jr, Olsen, Roblan, Winters

Position: Support

Status: Senate Committee on Judiciary