
SB 903 Oregon

Fingerprint Alternative, Electronic Background Checks, Authorizes Use of BATFE Form

This bill is no longer active.

Requires gun dealer to substitute alternative fingerprint for criminal background check if firearm purchaser is unable to provide thumbprint.

Authorizes Department of State Police to accept requests and provide results for firearm transfer criminal background checks electronically.

Authorizes department to accept transaction record form issued by federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives that includes thumbprint in lieu of firearms transaction thumbprint form

Position: Neutral

Status: Senate Committee on Judiciary

SB 902 Oregon

Altering firearm transfer register requirements

This bill is no longer active.

Authorizes local law enforcement authority to issue written waiver, within authority's jurisdiction, of requirement that person engaged in business of selling, leasing or otherwise transferring firearm provide duplicate sheet of register of transfer of used firearm to local law enforcement authority.

Requires person to retain copy of waiver. Authorizes local law enforcement authority to accept copy of firearms transaction record form in lieu of duplicate sheet of register.

Position: Oppose

Status: Senate Committee on Judiciary

S 446 National

Federally Mandated Concealed Carry

Concealed handgun license (CHL) holders who are non-residents of a state are granted the privilege of carrying a hidden, loaded gun in a state even if the person does not meet the other state's standards.

This bill endangers all of us just to save some paperwork and small fees for a few people.

House companion bill is HR 38.

Position: Oppose

Status: Died in a previous congress

SB 719 Oregon

Extreme Risk Protection Order (Was SB 868)

Signed by Governor Kate Brown at a special ceremony on September 18, 2017. The bill creates a process for obtaining extreme risk protection order that temporarily prohibits a person from possessing firearms when court finds that person presents imminent risk, or risk in foreseeable future, of suicide or causing injury to other persons.
Two other states, Illinois and Colorado

Position: Support

Status: Law is in effect

SB 862 Oregon

Law enforcement must notify respondent when firearms are returned to petitioner

This bill is no longer active.

Requires law enforcement agency that takes custody of firearms under firearms surrender protocol to establish procedures to notify certain individuals of law enforcement agency's anticipated return of firearm.

Chief Sponsors: Senator Gelser, Monnes Anderson
Regular Sponsors: Senator Manning Jr, Olsen, Roblan, Winters

Position: Support

Status: Senate Committee on Judiciary

SB 854 Oregon

Expanding exemptions for background checks

This bill is no longer active.

A person is exempt from firearm background checks if the person is a participant in the Address Confidentiality Program, or is protected by a stalking protection order, or a restraining order, or has an Oregon driver license bearing a "Continuous Traveler" residence address.

Chief Sponsors: Senator Olsen, Baertschiger Jr
Regular Sponsors: Senator Knopp, Linthicum, Thatcher

Position: Oppose

Status: Referral to President's desk

HB 2974 Oregon

Unnecessary exemptions from firearm background checks

This bill is no longer active.

Firearm background checks not required for a participant in the Address Confidentiality Program or if person has a driver license bearing a continuous traveler residence.

Position: Oppose

Status: House Committee On Judiciary

SB 855 Oregon

Carrying hidden loaded guns without a license in certain situations

This bill is no longer active.

Allows person without concealed handgun license to carry concealed firearm on person or in vehicle in certain circumstances if person can legally possess firearms under Oregon law.

Position: Oppose

Status: Senate Committee on Judiciary

HB 2973 Oregon

Repeal SB 941 Universal Background Checks

This bill is no longer active.

Repeals SB 941 that requires a person who is not a gun dealer obtain criminal background check prior to transferring firearm to another person who is not a gun dealer.

Position: Oppose

Status: House Committee On Judiciary

SB 804 Oregon

Allows temporary transfer of firearm without a background check for certain activities related to hunting, trapping, target shooting

This bill is no longer active.

Modifies definition of "transfer" for purposes of private firearm transfer criminal background check requirement.

Excludes from definition temporary provision of firearm for purposes of hunting, trapping or target shooting while transferee is preparing to engage in, or in process of completing, activities related to hunting, trapping or target shooting.

Position: Oppose

Status: Senate Committee on Judiciary