
HR 2841 National

Disarm Hate Act

To prevent a person who has been convicted of a misdemeanor hate crime, or received an enhanced sentence for a misdemeanor because of hate or bias in its commission, from obtaining a firearm.

Position: Support

Status: Died in a previous Congress

HR 1478 National

Gun Violence Research Act

To repeal the provision that in practice prohibits the Department of Health and Human Services from sponsoring research on gun violence in fiscal year 2017, and for other purposes.

Position: Support

Status: Died in a previous Congress

S 446 National

Federally Mandated Concealed Carry

Concealed handgun license (CHL) holders who are non-residents of a state are granted the privilege of carrying a hidden, loaded gun in a state even if the person does not meet the other state's standards.

This bill endangers all of us just to save some paperwork and small fees for a few people.

House companion bill is HR 38.

Position: Oppose

Status: Died in a previous congress

S.J.Res.14 National

Social Security Administration may NOT report mentally impaired beneficiaries to the FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS)

S.J.Res.14 - A bill to repeal a rule enacted by the Obama Administration that requires the Social Security Administration to report mentally impaired beneficiaries who are incapable of managing their own financial affairs to the FBI's National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NIC) and prohibits them from purchasing firearms.

Position: Oppose

Status: Senate Finance Committee in Washington, D.C.

HR 550 National

Checkpoint Safety Act of 2017

Require the deployment of law enforcement personnel at airport screening locations at very large airports, and for other purposes.

Position: Neutral

Status: Died in a previous Congress

HR 34 National

Guns in K-12 Schools

This bill amends the federal criminal code to repeal provisions that prohibit the possession or discharge of a firearm in a school zone.

Position: Oppose

Status: Died in a previous Congress

HR 358 National

Interstate Transportation of Firearms or Ammunition

Relaxes laws regarding transportation of firearms. Changes burden of proof to prosecution.

Position: Oppose

Status: Died in a previous Congress

S 72 National

Counterterror Alert Act

A bill to require that certain information relating to terrorism investigations be included in the NICS database, and for other purposes.

Position: Support

Status: Died in a previous Congress

HR 57 National

Accidental Firearms Transfers Reporting Act

This bill requires the FBI to submit a report to Congress about the outcome of completed gun sales made possible by the Charleston Loophole.

Position: Support

Status: Died in a previous Congress

HR 62 National

Gun Violence Reduction Resources Act

To provide for the hiring of 200 additional Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives agents and investigators to enforce gun laws.

Position: Support

Status: Died in a previous Congress