
SB 396 Oregon

Ban Undetectable and/or Untraceable Firearms

The public hearing is cancelled and the bill is dead. SB 396 is the second time in three years that Oregon has killed a bill that would ban undetectable and/or untraceable guns.

Three dimensional printing (also called additive manufacturing) allows criminals and terrorists to make firearms that do not have a serial number, thereby rendering a firearm untraceable to law enforcement. The process also allows criminals and terrorists to make firearms without mechanism (called a security exemplar), thereby rendering a firearm undetectable by metal detectors.

Position: Support

Status: Dead in Committee

SB 1538 Oregon

Local Governments and School Districts Can Ban Concealed Weapons on Premises

Cities, counties, metropolitan service districts, school districts, colleges, and universities can prohibit concealed handgun license holders from carrying loaded, hidden guns in public buildings, including buildings owned by the state.

Position: Support

Status: Senate Judiciary Committee

HB 4036 Oregon

PDX Can Prohibit Concealed, Loaded Guns in Passenger Terminal

Portland International Airport (PDX) can prohibit people with concealed handgun licenses from carrying loaded, hidden guns into the passenger terminal. Passengers' firearms must be unloaded and in a locked, hard-sided container for the purpose of transporting the gun as checked baggage in accordance with federal law.

This complex bill now has 21 amendments, the most recent (-20 and -21) were submitted February 25.

Position: Support

Status: Joint Committee on Transportation

SB 1546 Oregon

Notice to Defendant When Conviction Would Result in Firearm Prohibition

Specifies procedures for providing notice to defendant in charging instrument and at arraignment when conviction would result in firearm prohibition.

Position: Support

Status: Senate Judiciary Committee

HB 2013 Oregon

Close ERPO loophole, Remove Guns from Domestic Violence Abusers

HB 2013 passed the Oregon House and Senate and is now waiting for Governor Brown's signature.

HB 2013 bill closes a dangerous loophole in the Extreme Risk Protection Order law and provides tools and confirmation procedures for police to remove firearms from people convicted of domestic violence.

Position: Support

Status: Signed by Governor Brown, effective date was June 4, 2019

SB 576 Oregon

Kaylee’s Law: Higher Standards and Increased Accountability for Oregon College Security Services

Provides professional standards for community college and university security teams. Ensures that individuals can only be arrested or detained under appropriate circumstances and are not subject to "stop and frisk" actions other than by actual police officers. Provides guidance on outward appearance of non-police uniforms and vehicles from those of certified law enforcement agencies so individuals can know if they are dealing with actual police officers.

Position: Support

Status: Enacted into law and effective May 24, 2019

HB 3329 Oregon

Allows gun dealers to not sell firearms to persons under 21 years of age

Allows gun dealer or person transferring firearms, firearm accessories, firearm components, ammunition or ammunition components for purchase at gun show, or business engaged in repairing or servicing firearms to establish minimum age of 21 years for such purchases, repairs or services.

Position: Support

Status: July 1, 2019: End of session, bill was not passed

HB 3265 Oregon

Limit high-capacity magazines to ten rounds

Prohibits manufacture, purchase, transfer and sale of firearm magazines that hold more than ten rounds.

Position: Support

Status: July 1, 2019: End of session, bill was not passed

SB 979 Oregon

State Police to conduct study on prosecution of crime of unlawfully purchasing a firearm

Directs Department of State Police to conduct study on prosecution of crime of unlawfully purchasing a firearm and present report on findings to interim committees of Legislative Assembly related to judiciary on or before September 15, 2020.
Sunsets January 2, 2021.

Position: Support

Status: July 1, 2019: End of session, bill was not passed

SB 978 Oregon

Omnibus Gun Violence Prevention Bill 2019

SB 978 along with a vaccine bill were traded away by Governor Kate Brown to appease Senate Republicans when they ran away from their jobs. The Republican walkout deprived the Oregon Senate of a quorum and therefore the ability to pass bills. After the bills were killed, the Republican senators returned, promising to behave. They did not. They ran away again in 2019 and again in 2020.

Here's what was traded away in return for ???:
SB 978 stops hate groups and terrorists from printing guns that are undetectable and untraceable.

SB 978 gives public schools and major airports the right to make security decisions about prohibiting loaded, hidden guns in classrooms and terminals.

SB 978 stops the pipeline of unsecured guns to criminals by requiring gun owners to secure their firearms when not in use.

SB 978-5 is an omnibus bill that will regulate undetectable, untraceable, and downloadable guns (often referred to as "ghost guns"); hold strictly liable gun owners who do not secure firearms; require reporting of lost or stolen guns to crack down on gun traffickers; and allow cities, counties, school districts, airports, and other public buildings to not permit concealed handgun license holders to carry firearms into those buildings or areas.

Position: Support

Status: July 1, 2019: End of session, bill was not passed