
SB 1026 Oregon

Child Access Prevention

Creates crime of endangering a minor by allowing access to a firearm. Requires gun dealer to post notice concerning obligation to prevent minors from accessing firearm without consent of minor’s parent or guardian.

Position: Support

Status: Died in House Committee On Judiciary

SB 719 Oregon

Extreme Risk Protection Order (Was SB 868)

Signed by Governor Kate Brown at a special ceremony on September 18, 2017. The bill creates a process for obtaining extreme risk protection order that temporarily prohibits a person from possessing firearms when court finds that person presents imminent risk, or risk in foreseeable future, of suicide or causing injury to other persons.
Two other states, Illinois and Colorado

Position: Support

Status: Law is in effect

SB 862 Oregon

Law enforcement must notify respondent when firearms are returned to petitioner

This bill is no longer active.

Requires law enforcement agency that takes custody of firearms under firearms surrender protocol to establish procedures to notify certain individuals of law enforcement agency's anticipated return of firearm.

Chief Sponsors: Senator Gelser, Monnes Anderson
Regular Sponsors: Senator Manning Jr, Olsen, Roblan, Winters

Position: Support

Status: Senate Committee on Judiciary

SB 797 Oregon

Firearm Safety Package of 2017: This bill is now SB 1065

Due to a procedural error, SB 797 has been renamed SB 1065 and is in the Senate Rules Committee.

Position: Support

Status: This bill is now SB 1065

FRMA Oregon

SB 764: This bill is now SB 1065

FRMA (was SB 764): New amendments include required CHL applicants to fire at least 25 bullets before receiving a CHL. Ceasefire Oregon urges legislators to include marksmanship and conflict de-escalation training.

Directs Department of State Police to study reasons for certain denials of concealed handgun license applications and report results to interim committees of Legislative Assembly related to judiciary on or before February 1, 2019.

Sunsets January 2, 2020.

Position: Support

Status: This bill is now SB 1065

SB 469 Oregon

Fingerprint alternative

Requires gun dealer to substitute alternative fingerprint for criminal background check if firearm purchaser is unable to provide thumbprint.

The concept of this bill has been added to FRMA (was SB 764, awaiting a new bill number in Senate Rules Committee).

Position: Support

Status: Senate Committee on Judiciary

HB 2808 Oregon

State police to study reasons for concealed handgun license denials

Directs Department of State Police to study reasons for certain denials of concealed handgun license applications and report results to interim committees of Legislative Assembly related to judiciary on or before February 1, 2019.
Sunsets January 2, 2020.

Position: Support

Status: House Committee On Judiciary

SB 66 Oregon

Passed! Psychiatric Security Review Board: Persons prohibited from possessing or purchasing guns

Requires court to notify person found guilty except for insanity of sex crime of obligation to report as sex offender.

Requires court to notify person found to be person with mental illness when state or federal law prohibits person from purchasing or possessing firearm unless person obtains relief from prohibition.

Requires court to notify person determined to lack fitness to proceed that federal law prohibits person from purchasing or possessing firearm unless person obtains relief from prohibition.

Position: Support

Status: House Committee On Judiciary

SB 232 Oregon

Relating to surrender of firearms for persons prohibited due to DVRO

Requires court to ask petitioner at hearing for family or household abuse restraining order whether respondent possesses any firearms and to record answer on order. Directs presiding judge of judicial district to adopt protocols relating to surrender of firearms by persons prohibited by court order from possessing firearms.

Position: Support

Status: Senate Committee on Judiciary

HB 2592 Oregon

Tax credit for gun safes

Establishes refundable credit against personal income taxes for purchase of qualifying gun safes.

Position: Support

Status: House Committee On Revenue