
Amdt. 4720 National

Close the Terror Gap

The Feinstein Amendment 4720 prevents known or suspected terrorists from buying guns and ensures that DOJ/FBI would have been notified of the Orlando shooter's attempted purchase.

Specifically, the Feinstein Amendment 4720 gives the Attorney General the ability to deny a gun transfer to a known or suspected terrorist:
-based on the totality of the circumstances;
-where the transferee represents a threat to public safety, and
-there is a reasonable suspicion that the transferee is or has been engaged in terrorist activity.

In addition, Amendment 4720 provides a due process appeal consistent with remedial procedures for gun denials and allows the Department of Justice (DOJ) to develop procedures to protect classified information.

The Amendment also requires the Attorney General to establish procedures to ensure the Attorney General (or designee) is notified when a person investigated within the past five years for terrorism attempts a gun purchase. This would ensure that DOJ/FBI would have been notified of the Orlando shooter's attempted purchase.

Position: Support

Status: Failed to pass a vote at 2:30 PM PDT, June 20, 2016. Nay: 53; Yea: 47

HR 986 National

National Concealed Carry

Amends the federal criminal code to authorize a person who has a permit issued by any state to carry a concealed firearm, to possess or carry a concealed handgun (other than a machine gun or destructive device) in any other state that permits residents to carry a concealed firearm.

Position: Oppose

Status: In House of Representatives

HB 4147 Oregon

Close the Charleston Loophole: Relating to firearm transfer criminal background checks

Prohibits transfer of firearm by dealer or private party for 10 business days if Department of State Police is unable to determine whether recipient is qualified to receive firearm.

Position: Support

Status: Blocked by Senate leadership

SB 941 Oregon

Oregon Firearms Safety Act

Felons and domestic abusers can no longer buy guns with no questions asked.

Position: Support

Status: Passed

SB 525 Oregon

Relating to possession of firearms by certain persons

Domestic violence offenders and people subject to domestic abuse restraining orders are barred from possessing guns.

Position: Support

Status: Passed